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Starting on 04/10/2022, all users will see a brief summary of file expiry and their projects near compute and/or storage quotas whenever they log in from outside of Gadi. This information can be configured either by our login-info-config utility, or by modifying your ~/.config/gadi-login.conf file. The actual application responsible for displaying login information is found in /opt/nci/login-info/client.x .

login-info-conf utility

The login-info-conf utility, located in /opt/nci/bin and on $PATH by default, is the preferred method of modifying how information is presented on login. This utility directly modifies your ~/.config/gadi-login.conf file and creates a backup on saving your new configuration. It can also display a preview of the login information before saving a new configuration, or viewing the gadi-login.conf file before saving. Furthermore, this utility will always generate a valid configuration. On running the utility for the first time, with default settings, you will see the following:

$ login-info-config
Your default login project is: ab12

The following data categories will be displayed

    Category                | Threshold
  - gdata capacity          | >90% of quota
  - gdata inode             | >90% of quota
  - scratch capacity        | >90% of quota
  - scratch inode           | >90% of quota
  - gadi compute usage      | >90% of quota
  - gadi scratch warnings   | Always
  - gadi scratch quarantine | Always

Data for all compute projects will be displayed when over threshold

Would you like to:
> Modify configuration?
  Save configuration?
  Preview Login Data?
  Preview Raw Configuration?

This is a keyboard interactive menu, the 'up/down' keys can be used to navigate, and 'enter' to select a menu option. The following options are available to on selecting Modify Configuration? 

$ login-info-config
Do you wish to change:
> Your default login project?
  Data categories to be displayed?
  Projects to display when over threshold?
  Projects to display regardless of thresholds?
  Category Thresholds?
  None of the above - Go back 

On selecting any of the options, a new menu containing either a list of projects or a list of data categories will be presented. Once you have made a selection on that menu, you will be returned to the main menu, which will have been updated to reflect your changes. For example, the following selection in the Projects to display when over threshold? menu:

$ login-info-config
Which project do you wish to see data for when over threshold?
  [ ] All
  [*] ab12
  [*] bc23
  [ ] cd34
> [*] de45
  [*] ef56
  [ ] fg67
  [ ] gh78
  [ ] None of the above
  [ ] Cancel

Changes the title page to the following:

$ login-info-config
Your default login project is: ab12

The following data categories will be displayed

    Category                | Threshold
  - gdata capacity          | >90% of quota
  - gdata inode             | >90% of quota
  - scratch capacity        | >90% of quota
  - scratch inode           | >90% of quota
  - gadi compute usage      | >90% of quota
  - gadi scratch warnings   | Always
  - gadi scratch quarantine | Always
Data for the following projects will be displayed when over thresholds:
ab12, bc23, de45, ef56
Would you like to:
> Modify configuration?
  Save configuration?
  Preview Login Data?
  Preview Raw Configuration?

Selecting Cancel overrides any other selection, and will result no changes from the original configuration. Selecting All  overrides any selection other than None of the above and Cancel, and results in an identical configuration to selecting every project in the list. Selecting None of the above  in any menu except the Projects to display regardless of thresholds? menu will cause no data at all to be displayed on login, unless Cancel was also selected. Note that NCI-managed data collection projects will not be shown in the list of projects able to be selected as a default login project, nor will they be visible in the Projects to display when over threshold? menu. This is because these projects are expected to be near capacity all of the time. These projects will only be displayed if they are selected from the Projects to display regardless of thresholds? menu.

login-info-config does not automatically save your updated configuration, if you select Exit? without selecting Save configuration? , your changes will be lost.

Thresholds for each data category can also be modified. If a threshold of 100% is selected, it has the same effect as removing the category from the list to be displayed. 

Manual configuration

It is not recommended to manually configure keys beginning with LOGIN_DATA_ that are used by the login info service, as it is possible to create conflicting and/or invalid configurations. 

The following configuration keys are accepted in your ~/.config/gadi-login.conf file.

  • PROJECT  - Your default login project
  • SHELL  - Your default login shell. Supported shells (i.e. shells in which we guarantee modules and default NCI environment settings will work) are /bin/bash , /bin/tcsh , /bin/ksh and /bin/zsh
  • LOGIN_DATA_DISPLAY_ONLY - When present, only metrics in this comma-separated list will appear. The allowed metrics can be found in /system/nci/login-info/target/csv_metrics.yaml , though when present in this list, spaces must be replaced with underscores
  • LOGIN_DATA_DO_NOT_DISPLAY - When present, metrics in this comma-separated list are not displayed. Conflicts with LOGIN_DATA_DISPLAY_ONLY . If both keys are present, an error message will be generated on login and no information will be displayed
  • LOGIN_DATA_PROJECT_DISPLAY_ONLY - When present, only projects in this comma-separated list will appear when over thresholds
  • LOGIN_DATA_PROJECT_DO_NOT_DISPLAY - When present, projects in this comma-separated list are not displayed. Conflicts with LOGIN_DATA_PROJECT_DO_NOT_DISPLAY . If both keys are present, an error message will be generated on login and no information will be displayed
  • LOGIN_DATA_PROJECT_ALWAYS_DISPLAY - When present, projects in this comma-separated list will appear regardless of threshold.
  • LOGIN_DATA_{METRIC}_CUTOFF - Modifies the threshold for displaying a particular metric. In this case {METRIC} corresponds to an entry in /system/nci/login-info/target/csv_metrics.yaml capitalised and with spaces replaced by underscores. E.g, the cutoff for the scratch capacity metric is set by the value corresponding to the LOGIN_DATA_SCRATCH_CAPACITY_CUTOFF key. This should be a value between 0 and 0.99. Values outside of this range are invalid and will be ignored.
  • LOGIN_DATA_NEVER_SHOW - When present, never show login info. Overrides all other LOGIN_DATA_* keys

In all cases, attempting to view data for projects you do not belong to is not possible.