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Ansys CFX is the industry-leading computational fluid dynamics software for turbomachinery applications. It offers highly scalable, high-performance computing (HPC) to help solve simulations quickly and cost effectively. |
NCI installs CFX as part of the ANSYS package, load ansys module to add the executables into your search path.
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$ module load ansys/2021r1 |
There are also licence modulefiles for users to configure where to check out ANSYS licence(s). Users need to join the corresponding ansys software group before they can see the licence modulefile, for example, only members of ansys_nci group can see the licence module ansys_licence/nci
. The software group membership gives not only the access to the licence module, and also allows checkouts from the corresponding licencing server.
To load the licence module for your own ansys software group, run
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$ module load ansys_licence/<institution> |
A example job submission script ( is provided below. It requests 96 CPUs, 380 GiB of memory, 400GiB of local disk space for 10 minutes in the normal queue. Within the job it tells CFX to use the start method Gadi_openmpi and the loaded openmpi by the ansys module to run the simulation on $PBS_NCPUS processors.
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#!/bin/bash #PBS -q normal #PBS -l walltime=00:10:00 #PBS -l ncpus=96 #PBS -l mem=380Gb #PBS -l jobfs=400GB #PBS -l software=<licence_string> #PBS -l wd # Load modules, always specify version number. module load ansys/2021r1 module load ansys_licence/<institution> # Must include `#PBS -l storage=scratch/ab12+gdata/yz98` if the job # needs access to `/scratch/ab12/` and `/g/data/yz98/` export CFX5_OPENMPI_DIR=$OPENMPI_ROOT cfx5solve -def "StaticMixer.def" -part $PBS_NCPUS -start-method Gadi_openmpi |
Note that the submission script uses the PBS directive -l software
, to ask the job scheduler for the reservation of ansys licence seats from licence <licence_string> , see details in the section Licence requirements below. To change the number of processors, memory, or jobfs required, and/or project folders to mount, simply modify the appropriate PBS resource requests at the top of this file.
The maximum number of CPU cores a CFX job can use is limited by the licence availability. For example, NCI owns an academic ANSYS licence file which has 128 seats for the hpc feature and it supports jobs request up to 128 CPU cores. If you submit many 128-core fluent jobs, they are expected to run one at a time.
Once the job submission script is saved to the same directory in which the input file StaticMixer.def is located, run
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$ qsub |
inside that directory to submit your job to the PBS scheduler.
If you need to run CFX for a very long period of time which exceeds the default walltime limit set for the job, see the walltime limit for different queues and number of cores on the Queue Limits page, we suggest to add checkpoints to the long job, save restart files and use the last one as input to the next job.
Users from the following institutions have access to their own institution licences and should join the corresponding software group. To join a software group, login to first, search for the group by the software group name, and use the tab Join on its project page to submit the membership request. It may take up to 1 business day for the lead CI to respond. Once your group membership request is approved, the corresponding licence module becomes visible and ready for use. Run module avail ansys to list all ansys related modulefiles. Jobs need to load the licence module together with the application module to run CFX.
Licence Owner | Licence Module | PBS Directive (-l software=) | Software Group |
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology | ansys_licence/rmit | ansys_rmit | ansys_rmit |
The University of Wollongong | ansys_licence/wollongong | ansys_wollongong | ansys_wollongong |
The University of New South Wales | ansys_licence/unsw | unsw_ansys | unsw_ansys |
The University of Sydney | ansys_licence/usyd | ansys_usyd | ansys_usyd |
Macquarie University | ansys_licence/mq | ansys_mq | ansys_mq |
Newcastle University | ansys_licence/newcastle | ansys_newcastle | ansys_newcastle |
NCI* | ansys_licence/nci | ansys_nci | ansys_nci |
* NCI owns an academic ANSYS licence file which provides 25 CFD feature seats and 128 HPC feature seats. Users who have no access to the above licences are welcome to join the software group ansys_nci to enable the access to modulefile ansys_licence/nci and the checkouts from licence ansys_nci.