NCI Help

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Resource Name


Accessible from 

Size Limit

Allocation Valid Until

Resource Specific Comments

Compute Hoursprojectn.a.amount set by scheme managerend of quarter



PBS jobs / login nodes

10 GiB  with no possible extension 

user account deactivation

  • with backups in $HOME/.snapshot



PBS jobs† / login nodes

72 GiB 1 TiB by default, more on jobs' demand

project retirement/job demand changes
  • designed for jobs with large data IO
  • no backups
  • files not accessed for more than 100 days are automatically moved from project directories on /scratch into a quarantine space
  • any files remaining in quarantine at the end of the 14-day quarantine period will be automatically deleted
  • number-of-files limit applied



PBS jobs† / login nodes

amount set by scheme manager

project retirement 

  • designed for hosting persistent data
  • no backups
  • number-of-files limit applied
  • also accessible from other NCI services, like cloud

massdataprojectPBS copyq jobs† / login nodesamount set by scheme managerproject retirement 
  • two copies created in two different buildings
  • tape-based archival data storage

$PBS_JOBFSuserPBS jobs * disk space available on the job's hosting node(s)job termination
  • no backups
  • designed for jobs with frequent and small IO
software applications


PBS jobs / login nodes



  • built from source on Gadi when possible
  • more can be added on request ‡

software group owner

PBS jobs / login nodes

available seats on the licensing server

license expiry date

  • access controlled by software group membership ††
  • NCI owned licenses are for academic use only
  • projects, institutions and universities can bring in their own licenses 
