Information on how to correct cite NCI and the CMIP data you have used in your research is detailed below.

Cite NCI

Use of data or services from the NCI also require citation in any published works. For details please see our page on how to acknowledge NCI.

CMIP6 Citation

For CMIP6 citation information refer to the CMIP6 citation recommendations.

Note that in the case of CMIP6, a user is required to:

1. "cite CMIP6 data by including these data references in the reference list of your scholarly publication, and

2. register your scholarly publication at the CMIP6 publication site together with the DataCite DOIs and the data cart PID on the used data subset".

 Note that CMIP6 data citations can be accessed from the further_info_url available in the metadata within each netCDF data file.

For more information on the CMIP6 citation service see:

CMIP5 Citation

For general CMIP5 citation information please refer to the CMIP5 citation recommendations.

For citation of the Australian published datasets, refer to the DOI's provided in the catalog under each dataset. For further reference, the citation information for ACCESS1.0, ACCESS1.3 and CSIRO-Mk3.6.0 may also be found in the attached document: Data Citation of CMIP5.pdf