Specialised Environments

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The magnetotelluric (MT) themed notebooks below demonstrate how to access and process MT data stored at NCI. These notebooks can be run on either Gadi or the VDI using the dk92 NCI-data-analysis environments.

Notebook availability

NCI filesystem path: /g/data/dk92/notebooks/geophysics/geophysics-mt

Github: https://github.com/NCI-data-analysis-platform/geophysics/tree/main/geophysics_mt

To preview these notebooks: https://nbviewer.org/github/NCI-data-analysis-platform/geophysics/tree/main/geophysics_mt/


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MT_01_bulk_time_series_processing_on_Gadi.ipynbThis tutorial shows how to process magnetotelluric (MT) data stored on the NCI filesystem.Renmark 2009 time series datamy80


This tutorial shows how to access magnetotelluric (MT) time series data stored as NetCDF4 files from the NCI THREDDS data server using the OPeNDAP protocol. AusLAMP time series data


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