General Conditions of Use

All users of NCI infrastructure and services agree that they will keep themselves informed of, and comply with, all relevant legislation and The Australian National University policies and rules, including but not limited to

and both acknowledge and understand that a breach of these will result in not only a loss of access to NCI resources but the user may be subject to Federal criminal prosecution resulting in fines and/or gaol legislated under the Acts listed above.

Defence Trade Controls Act and Autonomous Sanctions Act

Access Restrictions Under Australian Government Legislation

Access to NCI facilities may be restricted under the international sanctions treaties, the Autonomous Sanctions Act (2011, Cth) and the Defence Trade Controls Act (2012, Cth).

Australian sanction laws implement the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) sanctions regime and the Australian autonomous sanctions regimes. These laws restrict financial transactions and prohibit the supply of military or strategic goods and services (including technology transfer, technical assistance or advice and dual use goods) to a sanctioned country or designated person. Countries sanctioned under the Autonomous Sanctions legislation are listed on the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs website.

Where access to NCI infrastructure and services is proposed for a foreign national from a Sanctioned Country, the institution at which the person is a staff member, student or affiliate must provide a certification, signed by a responsible officer, that the use of NCI facilities in support of the project is not in breach of Australian sanctions legislation.

NCI recommends that Lead Chief Investigators seek advice from their Institution's Research and/or Legal offices on any questions of compliance with these acts of legislation. Compliance is generally managed through the home institution of a project's Lead Chief Investigator and any researchers attached to a project.

The NCI Sanctions Declaration form can be completed by your institution and returned to NCI to certify a member of your project team.

Background information on autonomous sanctions is available from the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

How to Acknowledge NCI in Publications

It is a condition of use that use of the NCI facilities and services be cited in publications.

NCI facilities and services include access to compute, cloud and/or data infrastructure, as well as access to NCI data services.

An acceptable form of words is: 

This research/project was undertaken with the assistance of resources and services from the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), which is supported by the Australian Government.

Where NCI staff have made a significant contribution to the conduct of the research, it is appropriate that they be acknowledged as co-authors of the publication. In this case, the relevant institutional affiliation should be recorded as National Computational Infrastructure, Australian National University, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia.

For work supported by projects receiving a compute grant from ALCG scheme, use the following as a standard acknowledgement template:

This work was supported by the Australasian Leadership Computing Grants scheme, with computational resources provided by NCI Australia, an NCRIS enabled capability supported by the Australian Government.

in all publications and presentations of the associated work.

In-kind Value of NCI Service Units (SU) for Reporting Purposes

NCI operates on a resource share model whereby the resources of the NCI systems have been allocated to NCI (for the NCMAS) and other Partners in accordance with the contributions they have provided to NCI.

As a result of this model, researchers granted resources under the NCMAS or by the Partners are not charged by NCI for their use of NCI systems.

The NCI Steering Committee has determined that for the purposes of indicating the in-kind value of grants to bodies such as the ARC, an amount of $0.04 per SU on compute systems should be used. Projects with commercial support may be expected to make a financial contribution.

Once you have read and accepted these terms and conditions, you can move on to NCI Account registration. 

Authors: Brian Davis, Mohsin Ali, Andrey Bliznyuk, Ben Evans, Yue Sun, Andrew Wellington,
Rika Kobayashi, Roger Edberg