#!/bin/bash #PBS -N test #PBS -P <project code> #PBS -q normal #PBS -l walltime=5:00:00 #PBS -l ncpus=96 #PBS -l mem=384GB #PBS -l jobfs=100GB #PBS -l storage=gdata/dk92+scratch/<project code>+gdata/<project code> module use /g/data/dk92/apps/Modules/modulefiles module load NCI-data-analysis/20222023.0602 module load gadi_jupyterlab/2223.0602 jupyter.ini.sh [ options ] sleep infinity |
Submit an interactive job with "qsub -I " command. Then you can manually run jupyter.ini.sh command within the interactive PBS job.
$ module use /g/data/dk92/apps/Modules/modulefiles $ module load NCI-data-analysis/ |
20220602 $ module load gadi_jupyterlab/ |
220602 $ jupyter.ini.sh [ options ] |
In both batch and interactive PBS jobs, jupyter.ini.sh command accepts several options as below