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Here is an example of a PBS job script that utilizes the gadi_jupyterlab module within a user's Python virtual environment located at "/scratch/ab123/abc777/venv/dask_test/bin/activate". This script requests 2 nodes in the normal queue. The script is provided in the section above. Note the job script doesn't start a Jupyterlab session as it is used for batch computations.

#PBS -N dask_test
#PBS -l ncpus=96
#PBS -l mem=384GB
#PBS -l jobfs=200GB
#PBS -q normal
#PBS -P ab123
#PBS -l walltime=00:30:00
#PBS -l storage=gdata/dk92+scratch/ab123
#PBS -l wd

module use /g/data/dk92/apps/Modules/module-files
module load gadi_jupyterlab/23.02
module load python3/3.10.4
source /scratch/ab123/abc777/venv/dask_test/bin/activate -D
python /scratch/ab123/abc777/test_dir/


Here is a PBS job script that utilizes the 'gadi_jupyterlab' module alongside an existing module called 'NCI-data-analysis/2023.02'. The script requests 2 nodes in the normal queue. The '' script is provided in the section above. Note the job script doesn't start a Jupyterlab session as it is used for batch computations.

#PBS -N dask_test
#PBS -l ncpus=96
#PBS -l mem=384GB
#PBS -l jobfs=200GB
#PBS -q normal
#PBS -P ab123
#PBS -l walltime=00:30:00
#PBS -l storage=gdata/dk92+scratch/ab123
#PBS -l wd

module use /g/data/dk92/apps/Modules/module-files
module load gadi_jupyterlab/23.02
module load NCI-data-analysis/2023.02 -D
python /scratch/ab123/abc777/test_dir/
