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This workshop will demonstrate how to access and navigate through the BARRA2 and BARPA datasets, both available at NCI.

The BARRA2 reanalysis dataset provides researchers with historical long-term and spatially complete records of the atmosphere from 1979 to the present day.

BARPA are climate simulations based on CORDEX-CMIP6 (Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment) experiment design, providing CMIP6 downscaled data for historical, SSP1-2.6 and SSP3-7.0 scenarios.

Participants will be guided on how to find information on, how to gain access to, and how to navigate through the BARRA2 & BARPA datasets.

Participants are expected to have access to NCI, some familiarity with Python, and will be guided through a series of demonstrative Python notebooks.


In order to participate in the practise sessions and actually run your own suite during the workshop, please check the prerequisite list below.  Please note that after your account has been approved for access to these projects, you need to logout and back in again for your current session.

  1. NCI account & valid password,
  2. Register for the following project memberships at NCI
    • om02 (register) - BOM training project for running the notebooks/analysis
    • dk92 (register) - For using the NCI analysis software environment
    • ob53 (register) - For accessing BARRA2 datasets
    • py18 (register) - For accessing BARPA datasets
  3. Familiarise yourself with using the NCI ARE environment for running Jupyter notebooks and VDI:
  4. Familiarise yourself with current CORDEX CMIP6-compliant data, and NCI data catalogue entries for BARRAv2/BARPA


Date: Monday 5 February, 2024 

Location:  Rm 402, Marie Reay Teaching Centre - Kambri on ANU Campus, Canberra, Australia

Convenors: Joshua Torrance (BOM), Chun-Hsu Su (BOM)




10:30 AM

Morning tea

11:00 AM (15 mins)


  • Purpose
  • What are BARRA2 and BARPA
  • Confirming pre-requisites

Slides: AMOS2024_5Feb_Workshop_BARRA2_BARPA_ChunHsuSU.pptx

Chun-Hsu Su (BOM)

11:15 AM (15 mins)

Data Access

  • Data access
  • NCI Data Catalogue
  • Data locations on NCI filesystems plus THREDDS
  • Citation
  • Structure of the datasets and DRS based on CORDEX

Slides: 2024_AMOS_NCI_Data_Collections_20240205.pptx

Jo Croucher (NCI) and Yiling Liu (NCI)

11:30 AM (25 mins)

Working with ARE and the NCI analysis environment

Follow the instructions for the hands-on session for all these examples

  • Starting a Jupyter notebook
  • NCI analysis environment
  • Enhancing data loading through-put – reformatting, library and tools
  • Getting started with ARE & Jupyter notebook, accessing and opening BARPA and BARRA2 data files from NCI data collection
  • Using Intake-esm on BARRA/BARPA

Rui Yang (NCI) and Joshua Torrance (BOM)

11:55 AM (20 mins)

BARRA2: Heatwave case study

Notebooks are available under the github link for this workshop.

See the hand's on session link below.

Chun-Hsu Su

12:15 PM (2x20 mins)

BARPA: two use cases 

  • Past and future tropical lows case study
  • Australian warming level across BARPA ensemble

Notebooks are available under the github link for this workshop. 

See the hand's on session link below.

Emma Howard (BOM)

Christian Stassen (BOM)

12:55 PM (5 min)

Where to go from here

  • Future data publication
  • Reporting data issues and feedback to developers
  • Collaboration with the Bureau of Meteorology
  • Follow-up workshops or hackathon

Slides: AMOS2024_5Feb_Workshop_BARRA2_BARPA_ChunHsuSU.pptx

Chun-Hsu Su
1:00 PM

Workshop close

Hands-on session

Please follow the instructions for the hands on exercises of the workshop.  This includes the github link for the jupyter notebooks for the case studies.


NCI data catalogue for further information on the data products, licenses and data access



Extended Metadata on FAQ and data known issues




The development and provision of the BARRA2 regional reanalysis and BARPA regional climate projections data are undertaken by the Bureau of Meteorology and supported by the Australian Climate Service (ACS, They are undertaken with the assistance of resources and services from NCI (, which is supported by the Australian Government.

The availability of BARRA2 and BARPA data at NCI has been made possible through the ACS, and support of NCI.

This workshop is organised with funding from ACS and with support of NCI.

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