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Using our ParaView installation, there is an LFRic netCDF file reader plugin that can be used for LFRic output files in netCDF UGRID format.

To add in the LRFic reader, go to "Tools → Manage Plugins..." which will launch the Plugin Manager:

We can see there are already a bunch of inbuilt plugins that can be loaded. To load our LRFic netCDF file reader, under "Remote Plugins" click on "Load New ..." and search for the g/data location of the plugin file. For this example, the LFRic netCDF file reader can be found here:


Note that you will need to join the group up99 to access this reader.

The netCDFLFRicReader should now be loaded into ParaView:

To test that the reader is working, try loading in a LFRic netCDF file and you should see the NetCDFLFRicReader as an option for opening the file:

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