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1. Prerequisites

  1. You should be a member of NCI project "dk92"

2. Start a JupyterLab session.

You can start a JupyterLab session from either OOD or ARE.

2.1 JupyterLab on the NCI OOD

Follow our JupyterLab User Guide to launch a JupyterLab session at OOD. Please note that the OOD JupyterLab session utilize cloud resources which is separated from Gadi ( i.e. home directory, file system, queue etc.). You will need to

  1. Choose the appropriate compute resources
  2. Click "advanced options" and
    1. Type in "/g/data/dk92/apps/Modules/modulefiles" in the "Module directories" box.
    2. Type in "NCI-data-analysis/2022.06" in the "Modules" box.
  3. Click the "Launch" button to start a JupyterLab session.

2.2 JupyterLab on the NCI ARE

Follow our JupyterLab User Guide to launch a JupyterLab session at ARE. Please note the ARE JupyterLab session utilise Gadi resources. You will need to

  1. Choose the appropriate compute resources
  2. Click "advanced options" and
    1. Type in "/g/data/dk92/apps/Modules/modulefiles" in the "Module directories" box.
    2. Type in "NCI-data-analysis/2022.06" in the "Modules" box.
  3. Click the "Launch" button to start a JupyterLab session.

3. Start a Julia Notebook

In the "Launch" interface, you can click "Julia 1.7.2" button under Notebook catalogue to start a Julia notebook.

Or, you can click "Julia 1.7.2" button under Console catalogue to start a Julia console.

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