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The Solar Geometry product contains Solar Zenith and Azimuth angles for the Full Disk (FLDK) observations of Himawari-AHI. 

They are provided for at 500m, 1000m and 2000m spatial resolutions for each observation. 



Basepath, Filename Template and Data Access

On NCI (requires an NCI account and membership of the ra22 data collection)

Base path: /g/data/ra22/satellite-products/<datastream>/obs/fldk/<dataset version>/<year>/<month>/<day>/<hour/minute>/

Filename Template: <year><month><day><hour><minute>00-P1S-ABOM_SOLAR-PRJ_GEOS141_<spatial resolution>-<satellite>

<datastream>: nrt or arc

<Spatial Resolution>: 2000, 1000 or 500

<Satellite>:  HIMAWARI8 or HIMAWARI9

On THREDDS (publicly available, no NCI account required)

Bureau of Meteorology - Satellite Observations (ra22) THREDDS

Base path: satellite-products/<datastream>/obs/fldk/<dataset version>/<year>/<month>/<day>/<hour/minute>/

Filename Template: <year><month><day><hour><minute>00-P1S-ABOM_SOLAR-PRJ_GEOS141_<spatial resolution>-<satellite>

<datastream>: nrt or arc

<Spatial Resolution>: 2000, 1000 or 500

<Satellite>:  HIMAWARI8 or HIMAWARI9


Version 1.0: Initial release



Update Frequency

10 minutes (Near Realtime), 1 to 3 months (Archive)

Temporal extents (YYYY/MM/DD)

previous 3 months - present (Near Realtime), 2015/07/07 - present (Archive) 

Spatial Extents

81N ~ 81S, 59E ~ 222E


Bureau of Meteorology

Contact Satellite Science Team, Research, Bureau of Meteorology


Many thanks to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) for providing Himawari-AHI data.

Metadata Example

netcdf \20210930142000-P1S-ABOM_GEOM_SOLAR-PRJ_GEOS141_2000-HIMAWARI8-AHI {


time = 1 ;

y = 5500 ;

x = 5500 ;


double time(time) ;

time:coordinates = "time" ;

time:long_name = "time" ;

time:standard_name = "time" ;

time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00" ;

time:calendar = "standard" ;

time:axis = "T" ;

double y(y) ;

y:coordinates = "y" ;

y:long_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;

y:standard_name = "projection_y_coordinate" ;

y:units = "m" ;

y:axis = "Y" ;

double x(x) ;

x:coordinates = "x" ;

x:long_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;

x:standard_name = "projection_x_coordinate" ;

x:units = "m" ;

x:axis = "X" ;

float geostationary ;

geostationary:proj_name = "GEOS141" ;

geostationary:sweep_angle_axis = "y" ;

geostationary:false_northing = 0 ;

geostationary:grid_mapping_name = "geostationary" ;

geostationary:false_easting = 0 ;

geostationary:satellite_height = 35785863. ;

geostationary:semi_major_axis = 6378137. ;

geostationary:semi_minor_axis = 6356752.3 ;

geostationary:perspective_point_height = 35785863. ;

geostationary:GeoTransform = -5500000., 2000., 0., 5500000., 0., -2000. ;

geostationary:longitude_of_projection_origin = 140.7 ;

geostationary:proj4 = "+proj=geos +lon_0=140.7 +h=35785863 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378137 +b=6356752.3 +units=m +no_defs " ;

geostationary:spatial_ref = "PROJCS[\"unnamed\",GEOGCS[\"unnamed ellipse\",DATUM[\"unknown\",SPHEROID[\"unnamed\",6378137,298.2570248822731]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],UNIT[\"degree\",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION[\"Geostationary_Satellite\"],PARAMETER[\"central_meridian\",140.7],PARAMETER[\"satellite_height\",35785863],PARAMETER[\"false_easting\",0],PARAMETER[\"false_northing\",0],UNIT[\"Meter\",1]]" ;

double scan_line_time(y) ;

scan_line_time:long_name = "estimated scan line time" ;

scan_line_time:calendar = "standard" ;

scan_line_time:coordinates = "y" ;

scan_line_time:units = "seconds since 2021-09-30 14:20:00" ;

float solar_azimuth_angle(time, y, x) ;

solar_azimuth_angle:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ;

solar_azimuth_angle:coordinates = "time y x" ;

solar_azimuth_angle:grid_mapping = "geostationary" ;

solar_azimuth_angle:long_name = "solar azimuth angle at time of observation" ;

solar_azimuth_angle:standard_name = "solar_azimuth_angle" ;

solar_azimuth_angle:units = "degree" ;

solar_azimuth_angle:valid_max = 360 ;

solar_azimuth_angle:valid_min = 0 ;

solar_azimuth_angle:least_significant_digit = 3 ;

float solar_zenith_angle(time, y, x) ;

solar_zenith_angle:_FillValue = 1.e+20f ;

solar_zenith_angle:coordinates = "time y x" ;

solar_zenith_angle:grid_mapping = "geostationary" ;

solar_zenith_angle:long_name = "solar zenith angle at time of observation" ;

solar_zenith_angle:standard_name = "solar_zenith_angle" ;

solar_zenith_angle:units = "degree" ;

solar_zenith_angle:valid_max = 180 ;

solar_zenith_angle:valid_min = 0 ;

solar_zenith_angle:least_significant_digit = 3 ;

// global attributes:

:Conventions = "CF-1.6" ;

:Metadata_Conventions = "Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0" ;

:acknowledgment = "See disclaimer" ;

:cdm_data_type = "grid" ;

:comment = "AGLS solar geometry product" ;

:contributor_name = "Commonwealth of Australia, Bureau of Meteorology, Science and Innovation, Science to Services, Weather and Environmental Prediction, Satellite Applications; Commonwealth of Australia, Bureau of Meteorology, Data and Digital, Observing Systems and Operations, Satellite Operations" ;

:contributor_role = "Development; Operations" ;

:creator_email = "" ;

:creator_name = "Commonwealth of Australia, Bureau of Meteorology, Data and Digital, Observing Systems and Operations, Satellite Operations" ;

:creator_url = "" ;

:disclaimer = "You have requested that the Bureau of Meteorology (\\\'Bureau\\\') provide you with an enhanced version of satellite data, images, information or other material (\\\'Material\\\').\\nYou understand that the Bureau does not operate the satellites and that the Material is subject to the uncertainties of imaging capabilities, adverse weather conditions and technical malfunction and may change without notice.\\nTo the maximum extent permitted by law, the Bureau: \\ndoes not make any representations or give any warranty that either the original Material or any Material enhanced by the Bureau is accurate, reliable, current, complete or fit for any purpose, and \\nexcludes all liability of the Bureau, and any suppliers of Material to the Bureau, for any loss, damage, cost, expense and any other consequences arising directly or indirectly from your use of the Material." ;

:geospatial_lat_resolution = 0.02f ;

:geospatial_lat_units = "degree_north" ;

:geospatial_lon_resolution = 0.02f ;

:geospatial_lon_units = "degree_east" ;

:geospatial_vertical_max = 0 ;

:geospatial_vertical_min = 0 ;

:geospatial_vertical_positive = "up" ;

:geospatial_vertical_resolution = 0 ;

:geospatial_vertical_units = "m" ;

:institution = "ABOM" ;

:instrument = "AHI" ;

:keywords = "EARTH SCIENCE" ;

:keywords_vocabulary = "NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords" ;

:license = "See disclaimer" ;

:naming_authority = "" ;

:processing_level = "L1" ;

:product_specification = "AGLS-GEOM_data-product-specification_rev01.00" ;

:product_suite = "GEOM_SOLAR" ;

:project = "AGLS" ;

:publisher_email = "" ;

:publisher_name = "Commonwealth of Australia, Bureau of Meteorology, Data and Digital, Observing Systems and Operations, Satellite Operations" ;

:publisher_url = "" ;

:references = "AGLS solar geometry product" ;

:standard_name_vocabulary = "CF-1.6" ;

:summary = "AGLS solar geometry product" ;

:time_coverage_duration = "P1S" ;

:time_coverage_resolution = "P1S" ;

:title = "AGLS solar geometry product" ;

:wmo_instrument_name = "Advanced Himawari Imager" ;

:wmo_instrument_type = 297 ;

:wmo_satellite_series = 273 ;

:date_created = "20211020T073433Z" ;

:history = "saturnc" ;


:netCDF_version = "4.7.1 of Nov 5 2019 15:53:53 $" ;

:processing_version = "1.1" ;

:product_version = “1.0” ;

:uuid = "b1612066-acde-467e-bc43-2d26fe4acf08" ;

:geospatial_lat_max = 81.13851f ;

:geospatial_lat_min = -81.13851f ;

:geospatial_lon_max = 221.897f ;

:geospatial_lon_min = 59.50304f ;

:platform = "Himawari-8" ;

:platform_launch_date = "20141007T051600Z" ;

:time_coverage_end = "20210930T142941Z" ;

:time_coverage_start = "20210930T142021Z" ;

:wmo_platform_name = "Himawari-8" ;

:wmo_satellite_number = 173 ;


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