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Figure 1. Visualisation of the Cloud Type (CT) product for 2022-01-01 03:00 UTC.


The cloud type (CT), developed within the NWC SAF context, mainly aims to support nowcasting
applications. The main objective of this product is to provide a detailed cloud analysis. It may be
used as input to an objective meso-scale analysis.

The CT product therefore contains information on the major cloud classes: fractional clouds,
semitransparent clouds, high, medium and low clouds (including fog) for all the pixels identified as
cloudy in a scene.

CT is performed by a multi-spectral threshold method: pixels previously detected as cloudy by the Cloud Mask (CMA)
product are classified by a threshold procedure which is applied to the channels combinations that allow the
discrimination of all cloud types. The critical points are the choice of the channels combinations and
the threshold tuning.

For further information please view the following documents:

  1. Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document
  2. User Manual
  3. Validation Report
