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Course DescriptionPre-requisitesDate (TBC)Time (AEDT)Registration links
Unix Shell and Command Line Basics

Use of the shell is fundamental to to a wide range of advanced computing tasks, including high-performance computing. This lesson guides you through the basics of file systems and the shell. 

If you have stored files on a computer at all and recognize the word “file” and either “directory” or “folder” (two common words for the same thing), you’re ready for this lesson.





Registration is closed. 

Getting started with HPC using PBS Pro

This course introduces learners to the core principles behind using a HPC cluster. By the end of this workshop, attendees will know how to login in HPC, use command line to create job scripts, submit and manage jobs using a scheduler, transfer files, use software modules, and basic parallelisation concepts.

This course assumes basic familiarity using the Unix shell. You should be able to use the Unix shell to change directories, read and create files and folders, run programs, and create simple shell scripts.





1:30pm (9:30am on 2nd day)

Registration is closed. 

Learn to Program: PythonThe best way to learn how to program is to do something useful, so this introduction to Python is built around a common scientific task: data analysis.This lesson sometimes references Jupyter Notebook.








Registration is closed. 

Learn to Program: R

This introduction to R is built around a common scientific task: data analysis.

We will use RStudio to teach this lesson, but it is not required.




Registration is closed. 

Learn to Program: JuliaJulia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language developed in 2012. There is also IJulia, a collaboration between Jupyter and Julia communities, which provides a powerful browser-based graphical notebook interface to Julia. This course does not require any prior knowledge in programming.



Registration is closed. 
