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Creating the venv

  • Log into gadiGadi, and load your preferred python module:
    $ module load python3/3.10.4
    Loading python3/3.10.4
      Loading requirement: intel-mkl/2021.4.0

  • Create a new virtual environment:

    $ python3 -m venv /g/data/ne4/dmo900/testvenv


    (we suggest putting the venv in /g/data or /scratch, as they can grow too large for storing in your home directory)

  • Activate the venv in the current session (note the leading "dot-space" to source the file into the current shell environment):

    $ . /g/data/ne4/dmo900/testvenv/bin/activate

    (testvenv) $

  • Update the pip and setuptools packages:
