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titleOn this page

General conditions of use 

General conditions of use
General conditions of use


and both acknowledge and understand that a breach of these will result in not only a loss of access to NCI resources but the user may be subject to Federal criminal prosecution resulting in fines and/or gaol legislated under the Acts listed above.

Defence Trade Controls Act and Autonomous Sanctions Act 
Defence Trade Controls Act and Autonomous Sanctions Act
Defence Trade Controls Act and Autonomous Sanctions Act

Access Restrictions Under Australian Government Legislation


Background information on autonomous sanctions is available from the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

How to acknowledge NCI in publications 
How to acknowledge NCI in publications
How to acknowledge NCI in publications

It is a condition of use that use of the NCI facilities and services be cited in publications.


in all publications and presentations of the associated work.

In-kind value of NCI service units (SU) for reporting purposes 
In-kind value of NCI service units (SU) for reporting purposes
In-kind value of NCI service units (SU) for reporting purposes

NCI operates on a resource share model whereby the resources of the NCI systems have been allocated to NCI (for the NCMAS) and other Partners in accordance with the contributions they have provided to NCI.


Once you have read and accepted these terms and conditions, you can move on to NCI Account registration. 

Authors: Brian Davis, Mohsin Ali, Andrey Bliznyuk, Ben Evans, Yue Sun, Andrew Wellington,
Rika Kobayashi, Roger Edberg