1. Propose a project

Click ‘propose a project’ on the left hand menu and you will be taken to this information page.

Note that there is no need to complete all proposal steps in one session. The system will automatically save proposal information at each step in the process.

You can log out, and log in at a later time and resume working on your proposal.  

2. Project title and proposal outline 

Here you can give your project a title and a proposal body that summarises your aims, methodologies, expected outcomes, and high-performance computing requirements.

Remember that this can be saved as a draft and returned to, there is no need to complete the proposal in one session.

3. Research classification 

This is where you state all of the research classification codes that will apply to your project. 

       A list of ANZSRC Field of Research codes can be found here, and a list of ANZSRC Socio-economic Objective codes can be found here.

Begin typing the code into the relevant search box and click the ‘checkbox’ next to the correct classification as your search is narrowed. This will ensure that the code will remain selected while continue searching for relevant classifications.

Once you have all the appropriate codes selected, you can click ‘Next’ to move onto the next step.

4. Research classification weights 

Here you can choose the weight, or percentage, that reflects each classification’s relevance to the project.

You can adjust these numbers to your liking but they must always sum to 100%

Once you have balanced the project to your liking you can click ‘Next’ and move on to the next step.

5. Choose an allocation scheme 

In this step you can choose an allocation scheme from which your project will receive resources. The schemes listed will be the schemes that are available to users at your research institution.

Please select the appropriate scheme by clicking the button to the left of the scheme title, then scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘Next’ to proceed

 Scheme Manager from the scheme you nominate will have the authority to approve or deny your project registration request.

6. Systems 

It is now time to select the computational and storage systems that your project will require.

You can do this by clicking the ‘checkbox’ next to the systems you require and then clicking ‘Next’ to proceed.

Resources available to you will vary according to your institution and/or eligible schemes.

7. Initial resource requirements 

This is where you can allocate the desired amount of resources for your project. The resources listed will be those available to the nominated scheme.

You can adjust these by kilo-service units (kSU), per calendar quarter. You can either type your new value into the box, or click the ‘up and down arrows’ on the right of the box to adjust the value. Some schemes, such as start-up schemes, may provide a fixed allocation.

Once you are happy with the allocation, click ‘Next’ to move to the next stage.

Note that in all cases, the resource allocation must be approved by the scheme administrator or allocation authority.

8. Initial project team 

You can find and add existing users to your project on this page. 

Assign yourself as the lead chief investigator in the top box, then search for other members in the lower box. You can search for them by typing their name or username into the box, then selecting them as your search narrows.

Team members that do not currently have a user account will be able to register for an NCI account and then join your project after it has been approved.

Once you have added the initial users, click ‘Next’ to move on.

9. Terms and conditions of use 

All users of NCI infrastructure and services must read, agree, and abide by the terms and conditions of use. Users must keep themselves informed of, and comply with, all relevant legislation and The Australian National University policies and rules.

 If your project requires access to NCI systems for overseas collaborators, you must seek advice regarding Defence Trade Controls Act compliance from your institution’s Research Office.

Please select the option that applies to this project in relation to the Defence Trade Controls Act (2012, Cth), then click ‘Next’ to progress to the final step.

10. Final review and submission 

In the final step, you can review your proposal, including the title of the project, the aims and expected outcomes, and who is involved as an initial researcher in the project.

If you wish to go back and edit anything, you can either click ‘Prev.’ to go to the previous step, or ‘First’ to go back to the first step. If you are happy with the proposal and wish to submit, click ‘Submit proposal’ to send the project for proposal.


Your project is now under review.

The Scheme Manager for the nominated allocation scheme will receive an email notifying them of the new proposal. They will review the proposal and give final approval, or denial for the project.

The Scheme Manager has the option to provide comments or additional information to the Lead CI on the approval decision.

If you are having problems with any part of the project proposal process, do not hesitate to contact the NCI Helpdesk or contact us at help@nci.org.au

Authors: Andrew Wellington, Mohsin Ali, Ben Evans, Andrew Johnston