Satellite Data Collections

Bureau of Meteorology satellite products are available under various NCI data collections and are provided for the purposes of undertaking research.

If you have an NCI Gadi account, please feel free to request access to these data collections through the MyNCI service portal.

The data collections are:

  1. Bureau of Meteorology Satellite Low Level Data (gc63)
    1. Contains the latest three months of low level satellite data in formats provided by the satellite operator (e.g. level 1a data). This data is intended for expert users.
    2. THREDDS Server
    3. Metadata
  2. Bureau of Meteorology Satellite Archive (pc59)
    1. Contains the full archive of low level satellite data in formats provided by the satellite operator (e.g. level 1a data) on MDSS/Tape. This data is intended for expert users.
    2. THREDDS Server: N/A
    3. Metadata
  3. Bureau of Meteorology Satellite Observations (ra22)
    1. Contains processed satellite products, such as brightness temperatures, radiances and other associated ancillary data (ranging from level 1b ~ level 2 products). Typically provided as NetCDF4 files.
    2. THREDDS Server
    3. Metadata
  4. Bureau of Meteorology Satellite Derived Products (rv74)
    1. Contains products primarily derived from satellite data (level 2 products and above). Examples include cloud properties and solar irradiance products. Typically provided as NetCDF4 files.
    2. THREDDS Server
    3. Metadata
  5. Bureau of Meteorology Satellite Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Collection (qm43)
    1. Contains Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS) satellite Sea Surface Temperature (SST) products produced by the Bureau of Meteorology using various satellites. Typically provided as NetCDF4 files.
    2. THREDDS Server
    3. Metadata
    4. Project Overview

Please see the Available Products page for further information on available products.

Further information

For further information please view the following pages:

Citing Data

You must cite usage of the data collections. Please refer to the NCI Data Catalogue User Guide for examples on citing data.

e.g., Bureau Of Meteorology (2022): Bureau of Meteorology Low Level Data (Collection). NCI Australia.

e.g., Bureau Of Meteorology (2022): Bureau of Meteorology Satellite Archive (Collection). NCI Australia.

e.g., Bureau Of Meteorology (2021): Bureau of Meteorology Satellite Observations (Collection). NCI Australia.

e.g., Bureau Of Meteorology (2022): Bureau of Meteorology Satellite Derived Products (Collection). NCI Australia.

e.g., Bureau Of Meteorology (2022): Bureau of Meteorology Satellite Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Collection (Collection). NCI Australia.

Note about support

Please note that data from these collections is intended for research purposes only and is provided with no level of formal support. As such, data from these collections should not be used for any operational purpose

If you require data for operational purposes, please contact the Bureau of Meteorology via or view further information at 

Data Licenses

Each product is provided under a specific data license, please ensure that your use-case is permissible under the specified license prior to use.

A summary of the license assigned to each product can be viewed on the Available Products page.

Contact, Satellite Science Team, Research, Bureau of Meteorology, Data Collections Team, NCI