The ERA5 datasets and variables have been prioritised based on the needs of the ARC LIEF recipients supporting this collection and the broader Australian research community. NCI replicates all the available quality controlled data and in most cases, this equates to coverage from 1979* - present (minus 3 months). The 1950 back extension (once released by ECMWF) will be replicated in the priority order specified in the download queues (from 1979 to 1950). Unless explicitly noted, all datasets are replicated for the full global domain.
The Replication Plan displayed below summarises the priority datasets and availability at NCI (or anticipated completion date) and will be updated as each priority group commences or has completed.
Sections in this page are broken into the following topics:
* ERA5-Land coverage begins from 1981.
To receive automatic notifications of the replication status, select the 'Watch' eye icon in upper right corner of this page (note you must be logged in).
Parameters within the NCI collection are from the model analyses with the exception of a number of forecast parameters, e.g. mean rates and accumulations, that are only available from forecasts. Please see the ECMWF ERA5 Data Documentation for more information.
Replication Plan
Primary Download Queue
The following datasets are available through ECMWF's Climate Data Store (CDS) and will be replicated at NCI in the following order listed in the table below. Please note that the NCI replica does not include the high resolution ERA5 Table 3 parameters. The mean rates in Table 4 can be used to convert to the Table 3 equivalents using the information in the footnote of Table 4.
ERA5 Preliminary Back Extension Data
Replication of the preliminary 1950 back extension has partially completed. Preliminary data can be found under the 'era5-preliminary' sub-folder of the collection, e.g.,
An updated version of the back extension has been released from 1959 to 1978 which is being downloaded to the main collection area. The preliminary data from 1950 to 1958 remains in the era5-preliminary directory.
Priority | Dataset (Product-types*) | Parameters | Project Code | Main Collection | Preliminary back-extension | Back-extension |
1 | Single-levels (moda/wamo, mnth/wamd) | (where relevant - not all parameters available as monthly products, see Table 8 for the exceptions) | rt52 | AVAILABLE | AVAILABLE | AVAILABLE 1 |
2 | Pressure-levels (moda, mnth) | rt52 | AVAILABLE | AVAILABLE | AVAILABLE 1 | |
3 | Land (moda, mnth) | zz93 | AVAILABLE | NOT RELEASED | AVAILABLE | |
4 | Single-levels (oper) | rt52 | AVAILABLE | AVAILABLE | AVAILABLE | |
5 | Single-levels (oper) | rt52 | AVAILABLE | AVAILABLE | AVAILABLE | |
6 | Single-levels (oper) | rt52 | AVAILABLE | AVAILABLE | AVAILABLE | |
7 | Pressure-levels (oper) | rt52 | AVAILABLE | AVAILABLE | AVAILABLE 1 | |
8 | Land (oper) | zz93 | AVAILABLE | NOT RELEASED | AVAILABLE | |
9 | Single-levels (oper) | rt52 | AVAILABLE | SUPERSEDED | AVAILABLE | |
10 | WATCH Forcing Data methodology applied to ERA5 | rt52 | AVAILABLE | NOT RELEASED | NOT RELEASED | |
11 | Fire danger indices historical data from the Copernicus Emergency Management Service V3.1 | rt52 | AVAILABLE | NOT RELEASED | NOT RELEASED | |
12 | Fire danger indices historical data from the Copernicus Emergency Management Service V4.0 | rt52 | AVAILABLE | NOT RELEASED | NOT RELEASED | |
13 | Single-levels (wave) | rt52 | AVAILABLE | SUPERSEDED | AVAILABLE | |
14 | Single-levels (oper) | rt52 | AVAILABLE | SUPERSEDED | AVAILABLE 1 | |
15 | Single-levels (oper) | rt52 | AVAILABLE | n/a | AVAILABLE |
*moda: monthly daily averages; mnth: monthly daily averages by hour of day; oper: sub-daily high-resolution data;
wamo: wave monthly daily averages; wamd: wave monthly daily averages by hour of day; wave: wave sub-daily high-resolution data
1 Official ERA5 back extension products are complete from 1959 to 1978, 1940 to 1958 are in progress. ERA5Land products are from 1950 to 1978.
Secondary Download Queue
The following datasets are all available through ECMWF's MARS tape system and will be replicated at NCI in the following order below. Please note this tape system is slower and more variable and as such the estimated time frames will be less precise.
Priority | Dataset (temporal resolution*) | Variables | Project Code | Main Collection | Preliminary back-extension (1950 - 1978) | Back-extension (19501 - 1978) |
1 | ERA5.1 pressure-levels (moda, mnth) | rt52 | AVAILABLE | n/a | n/a | |
2 | ERA5.1 pressure-levels (oper) | rt52 | AVAILABLE | n/a | n/a | |
3 | Potential-temperature-levels (moda, mnth) | uc16 | AVAILABLE | SUPERSEDED | AVAILABLE 1 | |
4 | Potential-vorticity-levels (moda, mnth) | uc16 | AVAILABLE | SUPERSEDED | AVAILABLE 1 | |
5 | Potential-temperature-levels (oper) | uc16 | AVAILABLE | SUPERSEDED | AVAILABLE 1 | |
6 | Potential-vorticity-levels (oper) | uc16 | AVAILABLE | SUPERSEDED | IN PROGRESS | |
7 | Model-levels (oper) | TBC | TBC | TBC | TBC |
*moda: monthly daily averages; mnth: monthly daily averages by hour of day; oper: sub-daily high-resolution data
1 Official ERA5 back extension products are only released from 1959 to 1978
User Specific Requests
If you are interested in a dataset or parameter that has not been identified in the replication plan above, the data can be downloaded directly from ECMWF by following their instructions here. If you would like to further discuss an addition to the replication plan, please contact NCI Data Collections via (Subject: ERA5 data collection) with a description of your request.