The NCI Data Catalogue ( is the primary discovery portal to search and browse the National Reference Data Collection holdings and other research datasets published at NCI. The Data Catalogue is open – an NCI account is not required to browse or search the Data Catalogue.  

How to use this guide

This user guide will cover the basics of how to use our Data Catalogue to discover and access data locally from our systems and through data services (for public access). 

The following sections introduce:


  1. While the Data Catalogue is open and many datasets are available through public services, a number of data collections are only accessible on the NCI systems (i.e., Gadi, ARE and its apps such as VDI and JupyterLab) and through our Specialised Environments for data analysis. This direct requires you to complete the NCI new user registration and be connected to a computational project prior to requesting access to a data collection project.
  2. This user guide does not cover proposals for data collections to be hosted at NCI – the material here covers datasets provided as read-only reference material. More general details about data collections management and processes are in our NCI Data Collections and Publishing documentation.
  3. This user guide does not cover how to setup accounts on the system or user computing and storage resources. If you are new to NCI, please see the User Account Registration page for more information. 

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