NCI and Intersect run a series of training courses which aims at users who may be new to NCI's high-performance computing environment, as well as experienced users looking for a refresher. These courses were extremely popular in past years and we are opening more spots this year with additional training topics in Machine Learning.

Note: This series of courses are only offered to NCI users, so please make sure you get your NCI account ready when registering for the course.

Important notice

  • The following courses are scheduled for Quarter 1, 2023. Please register your attendance using the link to each course. If you registered for a session but can no longer attend, please notify so that your place can be allocated to the next person on the waiting list. 
  • To have a say in the arrangement of future courses, please register your interests for future courses using this link. We will get in touch with specific dates and a registration link to people who have expressed interest once the course schedule is finalised. 

Course DescriptionPre-requisitesDuration
Learn to Program: Python

Targeted at novices to Python programming, this course covers:

  • Introduction to the JupyterLab interface for programming
  • Basic syntax and data types in Python
  • How to load external data into Python
  • Creating functions (FUNCTIONS)
  • Repeating actions and analysing multiple data sets (LOOPS)
  • Ways to visualise data in Python

NCI users who have an NCI account.

This lesson sometimes references Jupyter Notebook.

No prior experience with programming is needed to attend this course.

We strongly recommend attending the Start Coding without Hesitation: Programming Languages Showdown and Thinking like a computer: The Fundamentals of Programming webinars. Recordings of previously delivered webinars can be found here.

Learn to Program: R

Targeted at novices to R programming, this course covers:

  • Basic syntax and data types in R
  • Data types and structures in R
  • How to load external data into R
  • Creating functions
  • Repeating actions and analysing multiple data sets (LOOPS)
  • Making choices (IF STATEMENTS)

NCI users who have an NCI account.

We will use RStudio to teach this lesson, but it is not required.

No prior experience with programming is needed to attend this course.

We strongly recommend attending the Start Coding without Hesitation: Programming Languages Showdown and Thinking like a computer: The Fundamentals of Programming webinars. Recordings of previously delivered webinars can be found here.

Data Manipulation and Visualisation in Python

Targeted at novices to Python pandas, matplotlib, and seaborn packages, the course covers:

  • Indexing, slicing and subsetting in pandas DataFrames
  • Work with missing data values
  • Combine multiple pandas DataFrames
  • Using the Grammar of Graphics to convert data into figures using the seaborn and matplotlib libraries
  • Configuring plot elements within seaborn and matplotlib
  • Exploring different types of plots using seaborn

NCI users who have an NCI account.

Learn to Program: Python

If you already have experience with programming, please check the topics covered in the Learn to Program: Python to ensure that you are familiar with the knowledge needed for this course.

Data Manipulation and Visualisation in R

Targeted at novices to dplyr, tidyr, and ggplot2 packages, the course covers:

  • DataFrame Manipulation using the dplyr package
  • DataFrame Transformation using the tidyr package
  • Using the Grammar of Graphics to convert data into figures using the ggplot2 package
  • Configuring plot elements within ggplot2
  • Exploring different types of plots using ggplot2

NCI users who have an NCI account.

Learn to Program: R

If you already have experience with programming, please check the topics covered in the Learn to Program: R to ensure that you are familiar with the knowledge needed for this course.

Unix Shell and Command Line Basics

Targeted at novices to Unix Shell, this course covers:

  • Introduction to Shell
  • Navigate and work with files and directories
  • Create, copy, delete, edit files and directories
  • Combine data and tools to build a processing workflow (pipes and filters)
  • Automate repetitive analysis using the command line (loops and shell scripts)

NCI users who have an NCI account.

If you have stored files on a computer at all and recognize the word “file” and either “directory” or “folder” (two common words for the same thing), you’re ready for this lesson.

Getting started with HPC using PBS Pro

Targeted at novices to HPC and with basic familiarity with the Bash command line environment, this course covers:

  • Connect to an HPC cluster
  • Use the Unix command line to operate a remote computer and create job scripts
  • Submit and manage jobs on a cluster using a scheduler
  • Transfer files to and from a remote computer
  • Use software through environment modules
  • Use parallelisation to speed up data analysis
  • Access the facilities available to you as a researcher

 Unix Shell and Command Line Basics

If you already have experience with programming, please check the topics covered in the Unix Shell and Command Line Basics to ensure that you are familiar with the knowledge needed for this course.

Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Introduction & Linear Regression

Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: Classification

Introduction to Machine Learning using Python: SVM & Unsupervised Learning


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