Lead Chief Investigators can register a new project through the NCI self service system at https://my.nci.org.au

You will need a current NCI user account to register a new project (see How to create an NCI user account).

  1. Login to https://my.nci.org.au. and enter your username (or email address) and password. Click on ‘Propose a project'. 
  2. Enter a project title, and a proposal body that summarises aims, methodologies, expected outcomes and high-performance computing requirements.
  3. Enter ANZSRC Field of Research (FOR) and Socio-Economic Objective (SEO) codes applicable to your project.
  4. Enter weights (percentages) that describe how your FOR and SEO codes apply to your project.
  5. Choose an allocation scheme from which your project will receive resources. The schemes listed will be those available to researchers at your institution or research organisation. Note that the Scheme Manager from the scheme you nominate will have the authority to approve or deny your project registration request.
  6. Select the computing system/s which you require for the project. Note that the resources available to you will vary according to your institution and/or eligible schemes.
  7. Specify your initial resource request for computing (SU or CPU-hours) and storage (GB). The resources listed will be those available to the nominated scheme.
  8. Nominate your initial project team by name or userID. Select yourself as Lead Chief Investigator.
  9. Read and acknowledge the NCI Terms and Conditions of Use. If your project requires access to NCI systems for overseas collaborators you must seek advice regarding Defence Trade Controls Act compliance from your institution’s Research Office.
  10. Click 'Submit proposal’.

Upon submission, the Scheme Manager for the nominated allocation scheme will receive an email notifying them of the new proposal. The Scheme Manager will review the proposal and give a final approval (or denial). The Scheme Manager has the option to provide comments or additional information to the Lead CI on the approval decision.