NCI Data Services - Notification of changes to data services or data access

This page provides information on planned changes to data services and available datasets that are expected to affect user access to data. This includes notification of data flagged for decommissioning and changes to services. It is not intended to provide live service monitoring information.

If you are experiencing any issues with data access or data services that are not listed here then please check the NCI Live Status page to confirm availability of the "/g/data" filesystems. If the filesystems are operational then please contact and include "Data Services" in the subject line. 


 DECOMMISSIONED  eReefs GBR4 Hydro All v1.85 model data and eReefs GBR4 Hydrodynamic Data Assimilated model data (project fx3) under have now been decommissioned from NCI's THREDDS server. 



Recent notifications:

 DECOMMISSIONED GA Collection 2 Landsat Derived Products (project fk4) - only selected products: Fractional Cover, Fractional Cover Percentiles, Mangrove Canopy Cover, Surface Reflectance Geomedian, Surface Reflectance Median Absolute Deviation, Water Observations, Water Observations Statistics, Pixel Quality Count. 

 DECOMMISSIONED GA Collection 2 Landsat Surface Reflectance (project rs0) - all products

 RESOLVED Skymapper, macho and wigglez TAP data services temporarily unavailable due to a security risk.  Resolved 13 Dec 2021

 RESOLVED Please note that the Bureau of Meteorology APS3 Collection will be temporarily unavailable over the next 24-48hrs while data is migrating to a new filesystem. 

 RESOLVED NCI Data Catalogue ( is temporarily unavailable due to a security risk. 

 DECOMMISSIONED Bureau of Meteorology High Altitude Ice Crystals - High Ice Water Content and POAMA Collections decommissioned from NCI's THREDDS server.

 CHANGE Bureau of Meteorology ACORN Collection temporarily removed from NCI's THREDDS server while undergoing a data licensing review. 

 DECOMMISSIONED The data server will be decommissioned on Tuesday  during NCI's quarterly maintenance. Note that the NRM data that has been available through this server is also accessible via NCI's THREDDS Data Server: you have any questions, please contact (refer to ‘Data Services’ in the subject line). 

 DECOMMISSIONED Multiple data catalogue services now decommissioned. The following older catalogue services have been decommissioned due to security issues. Please see our main Data Catalogue ( for information about our data collection holdings. If you have any questions about these services, please contact (please refer to ‘Data Services’ in the subject line).  

 CHANGE Service change: macho and wigglez TAP data services.  To align these services with current security practices, https access to these services is the only option from now; any access to http endpoints will be redirected to https.  Some software tools do not support following redirects so you may need to update your endpoints to use https instead.  If you have any questions about this service, then please contact (please refer to ‘Data Services’ in the subject line).

 CHANGE Service change: thredds data service - TDS (a.k.a dap and  To align thredds with current security practices, https access to the TDS is the only option from now; any access to http endpoints will be redirected to https.  Some software tools do not support following redirects so you may need to update your endpoints to use https instead.  If you have any questions about this service, then please contact (please refer to ‘Data Services’ in the subject line).

 DECOMMISSIONED The Geoscience Australia National Geophysical Compilations datasets under have now been decommissioned from THREDDS as well as locally within project space rr2. For the most recent version of these datasets, please see our Geoscience Australia Geophysics Reference Data Collection data catalogue entry for more details. 

 DECOMMISSIONED The data server has been decommissionedIf you have any questions about this service then please contact (please refer to ‘Data Services’ in the subject line). For updated access information about the National Geophysical Compilations or ASTER datasets that were accessible on this server, please see our Data Catalogue for data access information: 

 COMPLETE Planned Outage: thredds (a.k.a dap and There will be a short outage of ~5 minutes per service (dap and dapds00) on Thursday 17th December between the hours of 8am and 10am while we migrate these services to the new NCI Cloud. If you have any questions about this outage then please contact (please place ‘Data Services: thredds’ in the subject line).

 COMPLETE Planned Outage: metoffice-mirror (part of accessdev). There will be an outage to metoffice-mirror service on Wednesday 16th December between the hours of 11am and 4pm while we perform preliminary tasks ahead of the future migration to the new NCI Cloud. If you have any questions about this outage then please contact (please place ‘Data Services: accessdev’ in the subject line).

 COMPLETE Planned Outage: erddap. There will be an outage to nrm-erddap service on Tuesday 15th December between the hours of 10am and 6pm while we migrate this service to the new NCI Cloud. If you have any questions about this outage then please contact (please place ‘Data Services: erddap’ in the subject line).

 COMPLETE Planned Outage: Skymapper/ASVO service migration. There will be a short outage of ~5 minutes per service (skymapper, astro, wiggleztap, machotap) on Friday 11th December between the hours of 12pm and 2pm while we migrate these services to the new NCI Cloud. If you have any questions about this outage then please contact (please place ‘Data Services: Skymapper/ASVO’ in the subject line).

 Due to hardware issues, several data collection projects located on the gdata1a filesystem will be offline for up to 5 days, commencing 5pm Thursday 26 November. Refer to this /g/data status page for the full list of affected projects and their availability status. This outage affects data access via our THREDDS, GSKY, SkyMapper and ESGF data services. 

 NCI is decommissioning the This dataset is now available from Please see the COSIMA Model Output Collection catalogue for more information about the datasets available or contact if you have any additional questions.  

 The and data access website has been decommissionedIf you have any questions about this service then please contact (please refer to ‘Data Services’ in the subject line). You can continue to access these datasets from NCI’s THREDDS Service  For assistance please contact

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