The current installed version is ADF 2019.301.
To use this version of ADF
load the paths using modules.
$ module load adf/adf2019.301
ADF input can be prepared by the ADF GUI invoked through the command adfinput from an X-window session.
Information on setting up MobaXterm and X-forwarding can be found on our connecting to Gadi page.
ADF jobs run under the PBS batch system using a job script similar to the following file jobscript:
#!/bin/bash #PBS -P your_project_code #PBS -l walltime=10:00:00 #PBS -l ncpus=12 #PBS -l mem=48GB #PBS -l jobfs=100GB #PBS -l software=adf #PBS -l wd # Must include `#PBS -l storage=scratch/ab12+gdata/yz98` if the job # needs access to `/scratch/ab12/` and `/g/data/yz98/` # Load module, always specify version number. module load adf/adf2019.301 /bin/sh -x run > run.log 2>&1
where run is the name of your adf jobscript. For an example of a adf jobscript see $ADFHOME/examples/adf/GO_H2O/
To submit the job to PBS just run the following command:
$ qsub jobscript