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Libint: high-performance library for computing Gaussian integrals in quantum mechanics. It is available from github:

This library is used by several computational chemistry codes installed on Gadi and is build with both Intel and GNU compilers. Module will set necessary library and include paths.

How to use

To use Libnit, please run 

 $ module load libint/2.6.0


v1.1.4 is built with the following settings: --with-libint-max-am=7 --with-libderiv-max-am1=6 --with-libderiv-max-am2=5

v2.6.0 is built with the following settings: --with-max-am=7 --with-opt-am=7 --enable-shared --enable-fma --enable-eri=1 --enable-eri2=1 --enable-eri3=1 --with-eri-max-am=7,6 --with-eri2-max-am=9,8 --with-eri3-max-am=9,8 --with-opt-am=3

Authors: Yue Sun, Andrey Bliznyuk, Mohsin Ali
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