This page contains information relating to Specialised Environments at NCI.
Mail if you have any issues with the service that are not covered in this userguide.
AI/Machine Learning
- Intro to Distributed AI/ML Techniques
- NCI AI/ML environments
- AI/ML Frameworks
- AI/ML associated tools
- AI/ML data collections
Data Analysis
- NCI-data-analysis (dk92)
- Gadi_jupyterlab
- Analysing data using intake indexes
- Data analysis examples
- Voilà Apps on ARE
Bioinformatics and Genomics
Climate and Weather
- UK Met Office Environment on NCI
- Data Analysis for Climate and Weather
- PyAOS - Python for Atmosphere and Ocean Science
- AI/ML for Climate & Weather
- Experimental Climate & Weather Models
- Climate and Weather Workshops
Earth Observation and Environmental
- Using GSKY within NCI
- Using GSKYs OGC Web Services
- Portals & desktop software using GSKY APIs
- examples-gsky
- NCI-geophysics
- JuliaGeo
- Airborne Electromagnetics (AEM)
- Magnetotellurics (MT)
- Seismic
- Multi-physics analysis
- Machine Learning in Geophysics
- Dataset indexes for Geophysics