NCI has enabled a number of environments related to climate, weather and earth system science.
UK Met Office Environment on NCI
- Prerequisites
- Workflow meta-scheduler for Cylc suites on ARE/Gadi
- Software modules (hr22)
- Cylc Getting Started Guide for New User
- Cylc 7
- Cylc 8
- Cylc7/8 FAQs
- Cylc7 on ARE without MOSRS
- schedule: cron-like task scheduling
- ParaView Plugin for LFRic
Data Analysis for Climate and Weather
- dataset indexes for climate and weather
- Examples for climate and weather data analysis
- TileDB
- COSIMA Cookbook
PyAOS - Python for Atmosphere and Ocean Science
AI/ML for Climate & Weather
Experimental Climate & Weather Models
Climate and Weather Workshops
- [Repeated] Introduction of Deep Learning Development in Weather and Climate Studies
- Introduction of Deep Learning Development in Weather and Climate Studies
- Access-Dev Transition Workshop for BoM users [25 & 26 Oct. 2023]
- AMOS 2024 Workshop: Accessing and using BARRA2 and BARPA data for research
- ACCESS-NRI Training [4 Sept. 2023]
- Access-Dev Transition Workshop for NCI Users [10 Nov.]