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To use `nci-parallel`, please follow the example steps below.

Step 1: Create a text file including all the command lines you would call to run every tasks, one task per line. For example, a file called `cmds.txt` contains 1000 lines. In each line, the script `./` takes different input argument, 0-999, to define the task.

Code Block
./ 0 
./ 1
./ 2
./ 998
./ 999

Make sure to set the execute permission to the file using the chmod u+x /path/to/ command.

Step 2: Edit the job submission script, say called, to run nci-parallel which in turn launches the above 1000 tasks. Here is an example of running each task using 4 CPU cores and launching 96 concurrent tasks in a 384-core job, 4*96=384,  with the timeout threshold of 4000 seconds.

Code Block

#PBS -q normal
#PBS -l ncpus=384
#PBS -l walltime=04:00:00
#PBS -l mem=380GB
#PBS -l wd

# Load module, always specify version number.
module load nci-parallel/1.0.0a

export ncores_per_task=4
export ncores_per_numanode=12

# Must include `#PBS -l storage=scratch/ab12+gdata/yz98` if the job
# needs access to `/scratch/ab12/` and `/g/data/yz98/`. Details on:

mpirun -np $((PBS_NCPUS/ncores_per_task)) --map-by ppr:$((ncores_per_numanode/ncores_per_task)):NUMA:PE=${ncores_per_task} nci-parallel --input-file cmds.txt --timeout 4000

Depending on the `ncores_per_task` in your own case, you might need to revise the argument passed to the `--map-by` flag. In the above example, it forces each task to use the 4 CPU cores in the same numa node and launches 3 tasks on the current numa nodes before moving to the next one. If your ncores_per_task<=12, 12 is the number of cores attached to each numa node on Cascade Lake nodes, and the remainder of ncores_per_numanode divided by ncores_per_task is zero (12%ncores_per_task=0), you can safely revise only the value of ncores_per_task in the above script. Otherwise, please consider how to launch your tasks and test the binding before running your production tasks.

The timeout option is useful in terms of cutting off the long running tasks. It controls the maximum execution time for every task wrapped in the job. Set the value to the time beyond which it would be more economical to rerun it as a new job rather than waiting it to finish in the current job, wasting SUs that spending on idling cores.

Step 3: 


Tune your own scripts to make sure each task utilises ncores_per_task CPU cores before the job submission. For example, to run a python script after testing the binding, the script could be 

Code Block

pid=$(grep ^Pid /proc/self/status)
corelist=$(grep Cpus_allowed_list: /proc/self/status | awk '{print $2}')
host=$(hostname | sed 's/')
echo subtask $1 running in $pid using cores $corelist on compute node $host

# Load module, always specify version number.
module load python3/3.7.4

python3 $1

where $1 is the first argument passed to in the file cmds.txt. The python script needs to understand how to distribute and balance the workload across the 4 cores designated to it. You may use other packages such as multiprocessing and mpi4py to enable the parallelisation on multiple cores within each task.

In the above example file, the content of the standard output stream all goes to the job's STDOUT. They are concatenated and can be found at the beginning of the job's .o log. If the total size of the contents in the job's STDOUT is approaching GB scale, please explicitly redirect it to files. For jobs that have frequent small IO operations, it is recommended to redirect it to files in the folder $PBS_JOBFS. This job specific folder is located on the compute nodes that hosting the job and gives the exclusive access to the tasks in the job. To use it, a final data transfer back to the shared filesystem is crucial to keep the output files because the folder $PBS_JOBFS and its content will be completely removed immediately after the job finishes.


Step 4: Submit the job. For example, to submit the job defined in the job submission script shown in step 2 above through the project xy11, run

Code Block
$ qsub -P xy11

There are other options available to define how to launch the MPI processes for every tasks, see more details in its help information. For example, to see the info for nci-parallel/1.0.0a, run
