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Common issues / FAQ

Where are my OOD home directory files?

One of the improvements of ARE is that it now shares a home directory with Gadi.  As a result, your OOD home directory files will not be present in ARE.  If you need any of these, please see the Copying OOD files to ARE page for more details.

I've deleted files in /gdata or /scratch, but I'm still using the same amount of storage

If you have deleted files under an ARE session using the GUI file manager, you may find that they have been moved to a .Trash-nnnnn directory at the top level of that filesystem - eg if I deleted /scratch/z00/dmo900/my-large-junk-file using the file manager, it would be moved to somewhere under /scratch/z00/.Trash-14978 

(The nnnnn part at the end of the directory is your numeric userid, which you can find by typing id -u in a Gadi terminal).

Files in these directories often don't show up in the GUI file manager "trash" folder, so you may need to manually remove them (eg rm -r /scratch/z00/.Trash-14978 in a terminal window - do be careful!)


If your issue is not solved above, please follow these instructions to report the issue:

App issues

  1. Go to the my interactive sessions page
  2. On the Debug Log link selection Copy Link (if job is still running then use the session id link)
  3. Send a new email to, include:
    1. ARE in the subject line and short description of issue
    2. The link you copied and a more detailed description in the email body
    3. Details of your computer:
      1. Operating System: e.g. Windows 11, MacOSX 13, Debian Linux etc.
      2. Browser: e.g. Firefox 102, Chrome 103, Edge 103
      3. Connection: e.g. Wired network at ANU, Wireless at Home etc.

General ARE issues

  1. Copy the page URL that you are having issues with
  2. Send a new email to, include:
    1. ARE in the subject line and short description of issue
    2. The link you copied and a more detailed description in the email body
    3. Details of your computer:
      1. Operating System: e.g. Windows 11, MacOSX 13, Debian Linux etc.
      2. Browser: e.g. Firefox 102, Chrome 103, Edge 103
      3. Connection: e.g. Wired network at ANU, Wireless at Home etc.
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