Specialised Environments

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The notebooks below demonstrate how to access data stored on NCI's THREDDS Data Server.

Notebook availability

NCI filesystem path: /g/data/dk92/notebooks/examples-thredds

Github: https://github.com/NCI-data-analysis-platform/examples-thredds

To preview these notebooks: https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/NCI-data-analysis-platform/examples-thredds/tree/main/


data project

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Single and bulk download files from the NCI THREDDS data server

Geoscience Australia National Geophysical Compilation Sub-collection

Australian Climate Observations Reference Network (ACORN)

Not needed. Data accessed via THREDDS Data Server.

Downloading data using netCDF Subset Service (NCSS)

ESGF Australian CMIP6-era Datasets

ESGF CMIP5 Australian Data Publication

Not needed. Data accessed via THREDDS Data Server.
TDS_WMS.ipynbUtilising the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Map Service (WMS) protocol through NCI's THREDDS data server

ESGF CMIP5 Australian Data Publication

GA Earth Observation Data

Not needed. Data accessed via THREDDS Data Server.
TDS_WCS.ipynbUtilising the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Coverage Service (WCS) protocol through NCI's THREDDS data serverGA Earth Observation DataNot needed. Data accessed via THREDDS Data Server.
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