Specialised Environments

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The recent versions of "mosrs-setup" (>= 2.0.0)  provide tools like "mosrs-auth" to verify and cache your MOSRS account information. 

module use /g/data/hr22/modulefiles
module load mosrs-setup/2.0.1

To verify your MOSRS account, you could run the command "mosrs-auth".

To update your cached MOSRS password, you could run the command "mosrs-auth --force".

mosrs-auth (2.0.1) :

usage: mosrs-auth [-h] [--force]

Cache password to MOSRS for Rose and Subversion

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --force     force cache refresh of both username and password

MOSRS password caching time

The mosrs-auth command will set up a gpg-agent process to cache your MOSRS password. The cached password is configured to expire after 12 hours as default. Simply run the command 'mosrs-auth' to re-cache it if it expires. 

You could also adjust the caching time in a persistent session by following these steps:

  1. Log in to a persistent session and edit (or add if missing) the value of "max-cache-ttl" and "default-cache-ttl" in the file ~/.gnupg_$HOSTNAME/gpg-agent.conf to the expected time length ( in seconds). The original file looks as below
    default-cache-ttl 43200
    max-cache-ttl 43200
  2. Kill the existing gpg-agent process  via  "gpgconf --kill gpg-agent" or   "kill -9 gpg-agent".
  3. run mosrs-auth command to enter your password.

After these steps you could keep you MOSRS password cached up to the adjusted time length in the same persistent session.

 The gpg-agent runs only within a single persistent session. You need to repeat the above steps in a new established persistent session.  

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